Insulating Your Home: A Solution for Draughty Rooms

One common problem with all homes that do not have sufficient insulation is draughts. Draughts can make your living conditions uncomfortable and even problematic, especially throughout the cold winter months. They can make your internal temperature inconsistent, and make you rely a lot more on heating your property, leading to higher energy bills. Therefore, one fundamental reason for investing in insulation for your home is to significantly reduce the impact of draughts in your rooms, and, in some cases, to remove them completely.

This article will explore different methods and ideas of how you can remove unwanted draughts, via insulation across 3 key areas, your floors, walls and roof spaces.

Insulating Your Walls

Your property’s external walls, especially if you have cavity walls, are a main source of draughts. Therefore, if your home experiences these unwanted gusts of cold air, then we’d recommend looking at your walls to see if they have been effectively insulated.

Cavity walls are an important area to apply insulation, such as EPS beads or spray foam, this application involves injecting insulation materials directly into the cavity via a hose-like device. By filling this gap with insulation, you can help prevent heat loss and reduce air leakage. Therefore, by filling your cavities with insulation, you can reduce and remove draughts, while making your home much more energy efficient.

Insulating Your Floors

Floor insulation proves to be another key area that can help prevent cold air from travelling through your rooms. Without floor insulation, your home may be slightly compromised, leading to draughts travelling from below. Luckily, this area can be insulated with many different materials, such as cellulose, wool or foam. By insulating your floors, you are creating an insulating layer designed to prevent draughts, keep the warmth in and reduce your energy bills.

Insulating Your Roof

The final area for discussion is your property’s roof. The roof is a prime location where draughts can enter, flowing through your home’s rooms, spreading cold air and making your internal temperature irregular.

With roof insulation, whether directly to your roof or to your loft space, you can remove these draughts and turn your home into an eco-friendly place. Adding roof insulation minimises air leakage, prevents heat loss and, effectively, removes draughts.

By insulating the three above areas, exterior walls, floors and roof spaces, you can effectively remove draughts from your home and stop them from spreading to your rooms. The added benefit is that your property will also become more energy-efficient, which can reduce your energy bills every month.

Reducing Air Leakage

Air leakage is an important feature across all of our discovered solutions for removing draughts, so what actually is it? Well, air leakage attempts to define the gaps and cracks in and around your building’s envelope that lead to cold air entering. If there are these gaps, then draughts will likely exist, making your home uncomfortable to live in. Therefore, by sealing up the gaps and cracks, you can reduce and remove air leakage, stopping draughts from getting in.

Alternatively, you can reduce air leakage by creating an air barrier, this helps to slow and stop the movement of air. When you have insulation installed, these materials can help act as an air barrier when applied to the inside of your building’s envelope.


No one likes a draughty home, it’s uncomfortable and requires you to spend more money heating your property. Therefore, insulation poses a great solution in reducing and removing draughts, with the added benefits of your home becoming more energy-efficient and less reliant on energy-consuming devices. This, in turn, also means that you will be spending less on your monthly energy bills.

So, if you are experiencing nasty draughts across your rooms, consider insulation to improve your home in many different areas.