What Makes a Spray Foam Professional?

When you hire a spray foam insulation company, you want to be reassured that they are above and beyond certified to correctly install the insulation, that they can give you the best possible advice for your project and that they will know how to handle any situations that may arise. Therefore, it is important to address the question, what makes a spray foam professional?

Spray foam insulation in an incredible product for both residentia l homes and commercial properties . With two main types, open-cell and closed-cell, you can be sure to insulate your property to the required specifications needed. However, it is important to understand what qualifications and training are necessary? Understanding the fundamentals of spray foam certification can help showcase not only the quality of the product but effectiveness it can have on your property.

As a company with over 20 years of spray foam insulation experience, we have grown from office to office, branching fromEssex, London, Manchester and Kent. Our company keep above-board, compliant and our insulators certified to ensure the best quality of service for both homeowners and commercial property owners.

Spray Foam Insulation Training

Training to become a spray foam insulation specialist requires a combination of theory and practical testing. This can help ensure that the worker not only knows what is required and understands the technical markup of the product and project scope but can successfully carry out the work in practice.

Theory Training

Theory is, of course, a core concept and markup of any spray foam professional . The theory of spray foam insulation does not just lie in the technical composition and practice of the product but extends beyond that scope. For example, health and safety is an important factor of any insulation training, and spray foam is no different.

Some key theory-training concepts for a spray foam insulation expert are:

- Health and safety

- Office training

- Product training

- Equipment and tools

- Repair and troubleshooting

Practical Training

As you learn to become a spray foam insulation expert, as important as it is to understand the theory behind the trade, actually doing it, using the tools and shadowing someone who is already certified is extremely important. There is no better way to learn something than doing it, therefore, our workers have had an extensive practical training course where they not only learn how to use the tools and equipment but also follow from already established experts.

Important parts of practical training are attending installation projects with sprayers, seeing how the preparation part is carried out (and assisting when necessary), going over the equipment and taking part in the cleaning up and removal process (a hugely important learning curve).

Not only is practical experience important to learn how to use the equipment, but also just being on a job, at a customer’s home or property, seeing how to manage a project with the customer.

Eco Spray Foam Systems Certified

At Eco Spray Foam Systems, we are a certified company, with various accolades and accreditations. For example, one of our directors sits on the board of members for the National Insulation Association (NIA), we are also KIWA assessed approved installers, a Cavity Insulation Guarantee Agency (CIGA), CHAS certified and an Energy Efficiency Association (EEA) member.