Maximising Energy Savings with Spray Foam Insulation for Commercial Buildings

Energy efficiency for commercial buildings must be considered by every building owner, not only for sustainability reasons but for legal reasons too. Spray foam insulation presents a perfect solution for business owners to meet and exceed energy-saving necessities.

Spray foam is a widely used insulation product and is particularly beneficial for commercial properties. Its specifications, ease of application and benefits can help support all types of projects. If energy-saving is a key objective for your building, then this product can help with just that (and more).

Energy Performance of Building Regulations (EPBR) in England

England has laid out some requirements that non-domestic properties, ie. commercial buildings, must meet in order to abide by the law. Some of these requirements are as follows:

  • DEC, also known as, Displays Energy Certificates, relates to the rule that a building must display its energy performance rating if its total useful floor area is over 1000 sqm. It must also be displayed in a prominent location, such as a main lobby or reception area.
  • Improvements, building owners must take further steps to reduce their energy consumption of the property, this can be in the form of more effective insulation, energy-saving light bulbs, solar panel systems and so on.
  • Energy Performance Certificates (EPC), each commercial building must hold a valid EPC prior to construction, leasing or being sold. This EPC must be presented to the buyer or tenant and made publicly available.
  • Minimum expectations, commercial buildings must meet a minimum score of E on their EPC, without doing so, they must take the proper steps to maximise energy-saving until their certificate shows a level of E or higher (D, C, B or A).
  • Inspections, commercial properties must follow standard and routine air-conditioning inspections at least once every 5 years. This is to make sure they meet energy-efficiency standards and must be inspected by a qualified person.

The Spray Foam Solution

Spray foam insulation is available in two forms, open-cell and closed-cell. Both of these types are excellent energy-saving insulation products; however, they have the best use cases and should be carefully considered for each project.

Spray foam is an excellent sealant that ultimately maximises energy-saving for commercial buildings. Some ways that spray foam can help your property reduce energy are:

  1. Air Sealing

By filling in cracks, gaps and crevices, spray foam creates an airtight seal around the building and in all areas, it’s’ sprayed into. This seal reduces the amount of air that can infiltrate the building, keeping the internal temperature regulated and less reliant on consuming more energy.

  1. Insulating Properties

Spray foam’s general insulating properties prove to be superior to more traditional forms. For example, closed-cell foam has a low U-Value, showcasing its high thermal performance. This means that during winter, your building will contain the heat and across summer, the insulation will protect the internal temperature from the heat outside. This performance enhancement is perfect to create a stable internal condition for all types of commercial properties.

  1. Moisture Control

Due to the air seal created by spray foam, your insulation can also protect again the build-up of moisture. As moisture builds up, so do mould and mildew, which can cause a whole array of future issues. Therefore, spray foam can better indoor air quality and reduce costly damage to a building.

Therefore, spray foam insulation is a perfect product and material for companies to invest in, in order to maximise their energy levels and create a temperature-regulated environment.

Insulation Upgrades

If you are looking to quickly and effectively maximise your building’s energy, then you can invest in a spray foam solution. This product acts fast and can provide quick results that show you made the right choice.

You can add spray foam insulation to an array of places across your building, such as the Roof, Walls, and floors. For more information, check out our services here, we would be happy to assist.