Revolutionising New Build Developments with Spray Foam Insulation

In modern-day construction, new developments have higher expectations to achieve and maximise energy efficiency. The overall performance of both the building and each unit is of paramount importance for both the developer and the buyer. In order to reach such standards, buildings require insulation that can meet and exceed expectations, which is why spray foam insulation in new build developments can revolutionise the way they are constructed.

Spray foam insulation is already widely used in many commercial and residential spaces due to the fact that it can provide great thermal performance and energy efficiency.

What is Spray Foam Insulation?

Spray foam insulation is a type of foam insulation that is applied as a liquid, but quickly expands and hardens to form a solid barrier, in some cases, it expands up to 100x in size. There are two types of spray foam insulation: open-cell and closed-cell. Open-cell spray foam insulation is a less dense type, highly expandable and cheaper to apply while closed-cell spray foam insulation is denser and has better thermal properties, providing a low U-Value.

The Benefits of Using Spray Foam Insulation in New Build Developments

1. Improved Energy Efficiency

Our key focus of using spray foam is the energy efficiency benefits that come with it. New builds can meet their energy ratings by applying a form of foam insulation. Closed-cell foam has a low U-Value per cm, meaning it is an extremely good insulating material over other, more traditional types. This means that the development will consume less energy to heat and cool the building, providing significant energy savings for the development.

2. Reduced Air Leakage

Spray foam can seal gaps and reduce air leakage, but why is this beneficial? When air leaks in the gaps and building envelope, draughts and fluctuating temperatures are created. Therefore, this instability of indoor temperature can be unpleasant and make you consume more energy to regulate it. Spray foam insulation can be used to seal these gaps and cracks, preventing air leakage and improving the overall comfort of the building and those living inside it.

3. Improved Indoor Air Quality

The importance of air quality should not be understated, especially for new builds, you would expect the best of the best. By installing spray foam insulation in your new developments, you can improve the air quality as it prevents pollutants and allergens from entering the building and its units. This provides cleaner and healthier air for all to enjoy.

4. Increased Durability and Longevity

Notably, spray foam is an insulation material that is long-lasting, and known for its durability, especially when compared to other forms of insulation. Not only does it last longer, but it requires less maintenance, helping you save money in the long term without having the need to replace the product so frequently.

5. Greater Design Flexibility

Spray foam is a highly flexible and versatile material which can be perfect for new build developments and renovations. It easily insulates those hard-to-reach areas in the walls, floors and roof of the building. Therefore, you can fit spray foam into any building design, and it will adapt to it seamlessly.

6. Better Acoustical properties

Spray foam insulation, especially its open-cell type, can reduce noise pollution due to its air composition. For new developments, it is important to provide customers with the peace of mind that they will be able to live in quiet comfort in their properties. It is additionally good for commercial properties such as office buildings, schools and hospitals, where sound needs to be kept at a good level.

7. Meeting New Building Standards and Regulations

Significantly, new builds are required to meet certain regulations and guidelines, a lot of which are in relation to energy efficiency and the reduction of carbon emissions. Luckily, spray foam is an energy-efficient product and meets these regulations.

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